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Green idealists fail to make grade, says study

"People who believe they have the greenest lifestyles can be seen as some of the main culprits behind global warming, says a team of researchers, who claim that many ideas about sustainable living are a myth.."

Category: Climate Change


Scottish sea levels to rise dramatically

"Sea levels in parts of Scotland will have risen by about 30cm by the 2080s, a Dundee University report suggests."

Category: Climate Change


Collider halted until next year

"The Large Hadron Collider near Geneva will be shut off until spring 2009 while engineers probe a magnet failure."


To love or to abuse a robot?

"BBC technology journalists treat a robot dinosaur with affection then abuse to see how it reacts... The Pleo learns behaviour during the first few hours that it is activated... The robot's manufacturers say its lifelong...

Category: Robotics


Carbon capture viable by 2030 but needs £8bn to begin now

"One of Gordon Brown's pet energy projects - to build up to a dozen pilot plants to capture and store carbon dioxide as power stations burn coal to generate electricity - would require EU subsidies of as much as €10bn (£7.9bn)...

Displaying results 1886 to 1890 out of 2977